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Showing list of contacts

Create a ContactNotifier.tsx file

* The goal here is to create tabs that will show the call, chat, and task
* contacts. There can only be one call contact at a time and we can always
* make an outgoing call, therefore the first call the "Call" tab will always
* be shown.
* For the chats and tasks, we show a single contact per tab. (not implemented here)
* Also for the tab content, we do not wish to umount the tab content when the
* user switches tabs, so we just use display: none to hide the tab content.
import React, { useState } from 'react';

// Icons used in the tab bar
import { Phone as PhoneIcon } from '@mui/icons-material';
import { Tab, Tabs } from '@mui/material';

import { getCustomerName } from '@neev/ccp-api';
import { useContacts } from '@neev/ccp-react';

// We'll create this in the next step
import CallContainer from './CallContainer';

// The default selected tab, there is always a call tab which is used for
// either incoming call or to make outgoing call.
const CALL_TAB = 'call';

const ContactList = () => {
// Currently selected tab
const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState<string>(CALL_TAB);

// useContacts returns a list of contacts. Which will update when the
// monitorEvents are triggered. So when the contact are Connected, Move to After
// Contact Work, Ended, or Destroyed, we will update the list of contacts.
const contacts = useContacts(
contactStateTypes: [connect.ContactStateType.CONNECTED, connect.ContactStateType.ENDED],
monitorEvents: [
// Optionally we can get the contact objects can do anything with them.
// There we set the selected tab to the new contact or default to the call tab
// which is always available.
(newContact) => {
newContact.onConnected(() =>
newContact.getType() === connect.ContactType.VOICE ? CALL_TAB : newContact.getContactId()

// Set the selected tab
const handleChange = (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newValue: string) => {

// Get the call Contact, there can only be one call contact at a time.
const callContact = contacts.find((contact) => contact.getType() === connect.ContactType.VOICE);

return (
{/* The tabs, we show a single call tab */}
aria-label="contact tabs"
sx={{ paddingBlock: '0px', minHeight: 'unset', marginBottom: '16px' }}
sx={{ paddingBlock: '10px', minHeight: 'unset' }}
icon={<PhoneIcon />}
// Show the customer phone when we have a call or just show "Call"
label={callContact ? getCustomerName(callContact) : 'Call'}

{/* The call tab content, we just modify the display and not unmount the component
* when the user switches tabs to keep the state of the contact intact.
<div style={{ display: selectedTab === CALL_TAB ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
{* We will add the call contents in the next page*}
Call tab content


export default ContactList;

Let's add the contact notifier to the CCP file

import { CCPContainer } from "@neev/ccp-react";

import ContactList from './ContactList';
import ContactNotifier from "./ContactNotifier";

export const CCP = () => {
return (
loggedOutComponent={<div>You are Logged out</div>}
ccpUrl: "",
loginUrl: "",
region: "us-east-1",
loginPopup: true,
<section className={styles.ccpShell}>
<StateSelectorContainer />
<div className={styles.notifier}>
<ContactNotifier />
<ContactList />

Next Step

Next we will create the call tab content.