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Setting up the project

Using Starters

We have a few starters available for you quickly up and running. You can use them to skip all the configurations required in this page.
Select a starter.

Or you can start from scratch using the following steps.


  • Make sure that you have configured aws cli in your system.
  • Have node installed, preferably >=16.10.

Enabling yarn


If you already have a project in place, you can skip this step.

Let's start a create react app based app with yarn. If you don't have yarn installed just

corepack enable

and then try

yarn -v

to check. if you get that corepack is not installed, then you can install it with

npm i -g corepack

Creating the project

Once you have yarn installed, you can create a new project with

yarn create react-app my-ccp-app --template typescript

We use typescript because we love typescript. But you can use JavaScript as well.

This unfortunately will install your project with yarn 1. So we'll have to move to yarn 2.

Shifting to yarn 2 and enabling access to Neev packages

Follow our migration guide.

Install the required dependencies

We are going to use the Material UI components with react hooks here

yarn add @neev/ccp-api @neev/ccp-react @neev/logger @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material @mui/material @mui/system @mui/lab amazon-connect-chatjs amazon-connect-streams amazon-connect-taskjs

Here the packages installed are:

Neev packages

  • @neev/ccp-api: Basic react independent classes and functions
  • @neev/ccp-react: React hooks
  • @neev/logger: A shared logger, let's you control the logging level of the Neev packages

Material UI packages
As required by the Material UI components.

  • @emotion/react
  • @emotion/styled
  • @mui/icons-material
  • @mui/material
  • @mui/system
  • @mui/lab

Amazon Connect packages
As required by Amazon connect.

  • amazon-connect-streams
  • amazon-connect-chatjs
  • amazon-connect-taskjs

If you do not include chatjs or taskjs packages, then if the ccp receives them, it will crash.