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Style the MUI Components


The MUI components are designed to follow the app theming

If your were to modify the theme, such as changing the primary colour, the Neev components will follow that scheme too.

Custom styles

There are 2 approaches to style the components provided by the Neev packages.

Using className

  • Every component accepts a className prop which is applied to the root of the component.
  • Additionally, every element inside a component would have a static class attached to it.

For eg. If you wish to modify some styles for the ChatInput component of @neev/webchat-react, you would do the following:

import { ChatInput } from "@neev/webchat-react";

import "styles.css";

const Hello = () => <ChatInput className="my-custom-class" />;

These classes can be modules as well.

.my-custom-class {
background-color: #f00;

/* Component inside ChatInput */
.my-custom-class .cpp-input {
background-color: #0f0;
  • To find the class names for the inner components, use inspect element in your browser.
  • Every inner class name for the @neev/webchat-react components would be prefixed with webchat-.

Using MUI classes prop

Every MUI component used inside the @neev/webchat-react components accepts it's classes prop.

Refer to the MUI documentation for more information.

For e.g.:

The ChatInput component of @neev/webchat-react accepts these MUI classes props which are directly passed to their respective MUI components:

interface IChatInputProps {
/** MUI classes that will be applied to Paper component */
paperClasses?: Partial<PaperClasses>;

/** MUI classes that will be applied to Input component */
inputBaseClasses?: Partial<InputBaseClasses>;

/** MUI classes that will be applied to Icon Button component */
iconButtonClasses?: Partial<IconButtonClasses>;

/** MUI classes that will be applied to Divider component */
dividerClasses?: Partial<DividerClasses>;

/** MUI classes that will be applied to Icon component */
iconClasses?: Partial<SvgIconClasses>;